Biggest Lies

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  1. just
  2. soon
  3. nothing
  4. one
  5. love you
  6. never

Examples of usage

1. "JUST ONE beer." translates into a brutal party resulting in lots of fun, and time travel. "It takes JUST a few seconds." translates into fuck up where you waste lots of time for nothing.

2. "Just one beer, darling...I'll be right back [SOON]" translates into the same result as example #1, but also a false promise to shut up your partner.

3. "Darling, what is going on?" usually followed by awkward dismissive silence and the final word "NOTHING" most likely one of the most dangerous words coming from the mouth of a female humanoid. It usually results in life hazard of male humanoid or silent treatment, sexless weeks.

4. same as the example #1. "Just ONE sec[ond], please." translates into an excuse that you didn't carry on the job you were supposed to do while promising you bring it SOON. "Men think only about ONE." The usual excuse of frigid females of humanoid. I do not know ladies, but I rarely think about ONE. If I go out, I am thinking about at least five beers!!!